1940s Student Handbook
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1940s Student Handbook
Madison College, students, handbook, residence hall, curfew
The Student Handbook was, and still is, a major reference for students to find information about school. Dormitory regulations and dating rules are particularly interesting in this handbook from 1941. All students had to register with the Dean of Women if they were to be off campus after 6:00 p.m. and curfew for freshmen and sophomores was set at 10:15 p.m. or 10:30 p.m., depending on the day. Older students were allowed to be out until 11:00. At 11:00 p.m., it was time for lights out; this meant no reading or studying--just “absolute quiet.” Juniors and seniors had slightly different rules, to allow them to study longer as fitting their more rigorous class load.
While dormitory rooms were more private than public areas like the parlors or reception rooms, even these still had strict guidelines and etiquette. Requiring all lights to be extinguished by a certain time was a way of ensuring order. Quiet hours still remain today at James Madison University, but the “lights out” policy has been abolished [Quote from: Student Handbook, 1941-1942, Madison College, p. 109.]
While dormitory rooms were more private than public areas like the parlors or reception rooms, even these still had strict guidelines and etiquette. Requiring all lights to be extinguished by a certain time was a way of ensuring order. Quiet hours still remain today at James Madison University, but the “lights out” policy has been abolished [Quote from: Student Handbook, 1941-1942, Madison College, p. 109.]
Madison College
Iris Alina Ruiz Collection, SC#5051
James Madison University Libraries and Educational Technologies
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Madison College, “1940s Student Handbook,” JMU Special Collections, accessed March 15, 2025, https://omeka.jmu.edu/specialcollections/items/show/193.
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